Quality Control

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Quality control at every step

By conducting regular quality control checks throughout every production run, SQA ensures each of our clients always receives top quality clothes. Reduce waste, save time, get selling faster.


Fabrics & printing
Tech packs checklists
Conducted on every piece
3rd-party assessment
SQA conducts QC on fabrics and printing quality during sampling and mass production, eliminating rejected pieces which delay productions.
Quality Control is conducted in accordance with your tech packs, ensuring each piece is produced at high quality, exactly how you want them.
Receive regular updates from your dedicated SQA Project Manager as they share videos and pictures of quality assurance tests with you.
Working with a factory you don’t trust? You can hire SQA to conduct independent quality audits on your production, even if we didn’t work with you.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][advisor_accordion heading=”FAQs for Quality Control”][accordion_tab accordion_title=”What are your Quality Control methods?” accordion_text=”SQA and our manufacturers conduct QC on a weekly basis during any project. Most of our manufacturers QC every completed garment, whereas a few of our manufacturers QC 75% of completed garments by choosing garments randomly within each batch.”][/accordion_tab][accordion_tab accordion_title=”Can you conduct an audit of my completed clothing even if SQA wasn’t the company that made my clothes?” accordion_text=”Yes, we understand that sometimes you just want an unbiased set of eyes to review the work of your manufacturer. We have a special service designed just for these situations, operated by our meticulous staff.”][/accordion_tab][accordion_tab accordion_title=”What if one or more of my pieces has errors, what can I do?” accordion_text=”If you notice any of your pieces have errors, you need to contact SQA within 7 days of receiving your shipment. The first thing you need to do is send us images or a video showing the errors in detail. From this, our manufacturers can determine whether you require a repair or full replacement of the specific piece(s).”][/accordion_tab][accordion_tab accordion_title=”If SQA conducts an audit of my manufacturer’s work, how will I know the outcome?” accordion_text=”At the end of every audit, your QC Project Manager will send you an in-depth report and analysis of our findings. These detailed reports include the total number of pieces reviewed, measurements to match against your technical specifications, number of pieces with errors, images of each error uploaded to Google Drive, and a final written assessment.”][/accordion_tab][/advisor_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]